i feel like it turned out really well. we rented a small room off of the rose garden in our local park. i wish the roses were grown and beautiful. but as you can see in some of the photos below that they're still heavily covered in mulch. the caterer started early in the morning setting up tables and getting most of it decorated. a few of us went a couple hours early to put up pictures, centerpieces and get the games set up.
we did the shower in the evening instead of morning or mid day like most showers. we provided a full meal of lasagna, spaghetti, alfredo and salad. we also had a mini mimosa bar. the food was delicious and the cake was beautiful.
we played 3 games. 1) WHAT'S IN YOUR PURSE: i found some examples on pinterest where they listed tons of random items and made a point system to score everyone. but i didn't want anything too intense. i didn't figure most of my guests would bring a purse. so, i limited it to almost 30 items and whoever had the most items won that game. i designed the game by using font meme and googling watercolor flowers under images. copied and pasted the pictures i liked on to word and then included a text box where i listed the items. 2) WHY DO WE DO THAT: i pretty much copied this game off of pinterest. i just retyped it to look the way i wanted it to. this game gives an example of what we do for weddings like - why do we wear a ring on the left ring finger? and then you have to match it with the reason - it has a vein that goes straight to the heart. the person with the most right answers won. 3) DON'T SAY IT: this game is really simple. we bought some party beads at hobby lobby (like the ones your get at mardi gras). everyone got a necklace to wear for the duration of the shower. if you heard someone saying BRIDE or WEDDING then you could take their beads away. the person with the most beads at the end of the game - won!
we also had a large wooden H that matt spray painted black and we used white markers to write good advice on it for the bride and groom. and we also had cards that basically requested each guest to write down their favorite memory with me. i thought that was really sweet and touching when i went through those cards after the shower. some were really funny too!
finally, we included envelopes at each place setting for everyone to write their mailing address on to make writing thank you notes a lot easier. another way to make the thank you notes easier is to have someone write down everything you get and from whom. it made it so easy for me to find an envelope, find the list of items they got me and write my thank you note the next day. these envelopes were topped with handmade soaps my cousin made as party favors.
below are just a few pictures from the shower. my aunt did my make up for the shower as a test run for the wedding and i can't decide if my eyes are too dark? i know i want them to pop but i'm not sure if they should be brighter? what do you think?
dress // shoes // fake tanner |
shoes // nails |
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