Wednesday, December 9, 2015

simplify your morning

my shift starts at 8am at work.  i used to be the kind of person that would have to get up at 6ish to try and accomplish pulling myself together enough to leave and get to work on time.  this included a 30 minute commute to my office. but after a few years of modifying my habits i have found ways to get myself up and ready in 30 minutes.  here's a few steps of how i simplified my mornings.
1. originally i showered every single morning.  i typically have longer hair.  and i have a two inch section that NEVER seems to dry.  so when i showered in the morning, i would need a full half hour to include the ten minute shower and the 20 minutes it would take to get my hair mostly dried.  but one day i realized if i showered after work and dried/fixed my hair for like dinner or something, then it would still look presentable by morning.  and then i realized if i washed it at night and then mostly dried it by bedtime, i could easily curl it with my wand and it would look perfectly fine!  and so now, i typically shower at night and dry my hair mostly before bed and then i just need 10 minutes in the morning to roughly wand my hair in to messy beach waves.  and now, i'm trying to not wash my hair every single day.  so every other day i just bathe in the evening and then wear my hair up if it's looking a little greasy on my non wash hair day.  (this really helped my budget of not spending so much money on shampoo and conditioner!)

2. makeup is my fav.  but i have allowed myself 15 minutes in the morning to do my whole face.  this is really the largest part of my morning routine.  i originally would do a full face and eye makeup.  but who in the heck am i impressing in my office?? no one.  so why go through all the trouble when i rarely leave this cell?  i still do a lot.  but i mostly focus on my face.  so, i do a primer, liquid foundation, powder, bronzer, blush and mascara.  that's about it.  sometimes if i do have a little bit of extra time, i'll do some eye shadow or line my upper lashes.  but mostly i just don't bother.  it gives me a fresh face with a nice complexion but i'm not going overboard with my eyes or lips.  i do store some lipsticks in my desk in case i do feel frisky when i get to work.

3. my biggest time savers is clothes.  you remember when you were little and your mom would pick out your school clothes the night before and then threaten you an inch of your life if you changed your mind and threw a fit in the morning?  no?  just my mom?  well, i started implementing the same concept in my adult life.  i realized when i picked my clothes out in the morning during my rushed hazy routine, i would always choose basics - white and black, black and grey, grey and white, khaki and black, khaki and white (repeat) and i never wore my fun purple cardigan or that flowy floral top.  who has time in the morning to think about matching clothes?  let alone if that shirt really fits properly?  is this a tube top!?  or a skirt!?  and i have enough clothes for the entire neighborhood and i wasn't wearing any of it.  i now pick out my outfits usually on sunday after i finish doing all my laundry.  i hung a 6 cube organizer in my closet and i'll lay out 5 pairs of pants for the week.  i'll go through my tops and try to mix up blazers, sweaters, button ups, cardigans and scarves so that i'm not wearing the same outfit everyday and i am spicing up my wardrobe with color, patterns and layering.  i now wear 90% of my closet and i'm not getting bored with the same ol same ol.  literally takes me 2 minutes to get dressed now since i have everything in it's own cube including accessories. 

4.  i typically do not eat breakfast at home.  my work has a cafeteria that offers breakfast and lunch.  i sometimes will go there and get breakfast.  but most mornings (to save money) i eat breakfast bars or protein bars at my desk while i check my emails in the morning.  sometimes for lunch i'll pack my lunch.  and if i do that, i typically pack my lunch the night before and put everything in a lunch box so that in the morning i can just grab that bag and go.  if i don't pack my lunch, then i will either go downtown or the cafeteria to eat.

5.  i will typically put everything i want to take to work in the morning by my coat rack by my front door.  if i have a few things i want to take to the office, i'll bag it up and stick it right next to my purse so i'll remember to take it.  when i'm completely finished getting ready and am ready to leave, i'll gather anything i may have that needs to go from the kitchen and then grab my purse and leave.  it's helpful to have it all together right by the door so i'm not running around like a crazy lady trying to gather my things.

by making these small changes i have gotten my routine down from one hour to 20-30 minutes in the morning.  i get to sleep in a little longer and am not stressed when i first wake up trying to get everything accomplished before i have to leave.  who doesn't love 30 extra minutes of sleep??

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